Short Stories, Poems and Life

My Red Hibiscus

This is a picture of my Red Hibiscus I planted five yeas ago. It is a tropical plant and according to the label, the hibiscus would would grow up to five feet. Well, my red hibiscus is now eight feet tall and may grow higher.

This got me thinking, anyone can grow, not just in size, but in anything you set your mind too. I passionately believe God gives everyone a special talent. You just have to find it.

Unfortunately, many never find out what it is. Others find it, but never follow through, maybe due too lack of confidence or just life for in the way.

So if you have that dream, go ahead and pursue it, do not let anyone tell you your not good enough. What do they know?

Think about Cornel Sanders, who started Kentucky Fried Chicken, he did not pursue his dream until he was over 65 years old. A

And I remember a story about an author, I wish I could remember her name, her book was rejected 160 times before published. It went on to became a best seller, then made into a movie.

Just think if the man gave up at 5 Up or 6 UP the world would never have that wonderful soft drink 7 UP!

So keep growing and trying new things and never give up, just like Cornel Sanders, the author and my beautiful red hibiscus.

© Robert A Evans