Short Stories, Poems and Life

Welcome 2020

I don’t know about you all, but I am ready to say goodbye to 2019 and welcome the birth of a new year (and a brand new decade). Like most of you, this past year I faced a few hardships; a death of close friend, health changes, and some major set backs in my writing goals.

I love to write songs, stories and poems. However this past year with more doors being closed, my dream of becoming a published author seemed unattainable and at times I felt like giving up. But since I am always telling others to never give up on their dreams, I will not give up on my own.

The good thing about a new year; new hopes. I guess I will ignore the closed doors and keep moving toward my dream. I do have a story I’ve been carrying around in my head for the past twenty years, and I am ready to start the first chapter and get this book started. I will not let the challenges of 2019 stop me from following my dreams in 2020. This will be my year!

This year I will bring in the New Year with my wife in the comfort of my own home. In my younger years, I would spend New Year’s Eve at parties, but with all the drinking and driving going on these days, seems safer to stay at home.

Maybe your better at sticking to resolutions then me, but over the years I have said all the typical ones: I’m going to lose weight: I’m going to work out and join a gym: I am going back to church: I will save more money this year. However these resolutions only lasted for about a week then excuses took over. So this year, I am staying clear of making any resolutions.

Instead of resolutions I will be praying blessing in this New Year and its my hope for all of you that 2020 will be the best year yet and you will have good health, prosperity and your dreams will come alive.

Remember to keep dreaming, never give up and one day that dream will come true.

And thank you all for stopping in and reading my blog, I have enjoyed this very much. Enjoy however you bring in the new year and be safe!

Happy New Year from Bobby’s World.